
We are group of Spiritual Teachers who specialize in Light and Sound Meditation. At this time we are reaching out to parents of children who are demonstrating amazing abilities such as seeing while blindfolded.

Many children at this time are showing signs of Awakening. It is as if they are developing more senses. The most common is being able to hear non physical Sounds which are often heard as a mixture of high frequencies. There is also the ability to perceive Spiritual Light as if seeing through a Third Eye.

We want to share our knowledge and offer parents support and guidance to help their children develop and maximise their true potential.

Please understand we do this free of any monetary charge. What we are dealing with is absolutely priceless and hence is offered for nothing in return. Our reward is watching the effects the Awakenings are having in Transforming the lives of the people we help.

Please understand that although this website is aimed at children much of what is written here would equally benefit adults.


If you would like any specific guidance or simply want to ask a question just send us a message via the Contact page and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
Additionally, you might have some personal stories you would like to share with us. We will always ask permission to publish anything you send us and all names would appear as a simple capital letter to ensure anonymity.
What is happenning at this auspicious time is, as far as we know, unprecedented. It is therfore wise, that as many people come together to share their ideas and experiences, as possible.

We all have so much yet to learn!