The Heavenly Realms refer to the Spiritual Dimensions which are perceived as Light, Sound and the most beautiful feelings of Love and Bliss.
Traditionally, these were only witnessed by highly dedicated Meditators who often had to adopt extreme lifestyles to achieve this. These days we seem to be observing an Awakening process on our Planet, which means that people are spontaneously becoming aware of the Higher Spiritual Energies. Children, in particular, are showing this ability and consider it to be quite normal!
It usually starts with hearing the Sound Current as a mixture of high pitched frequencies. Sometimes, however, they might hear a very low rumbling tone. When Light first appears it may be seen as tiny points of light like stars in the sky. Alternatively, it may manifest as random blobs of light similar to wispy clouds. As they make progress they will be able to access the complex Geometric Realms which are composed of the most amazing shapes and forms. These can be seen in various colours or simply White or Golden White.
Whatever appears the advice is always the same, pay attention to it. This generally leads to the Sound getting louder and the Light brighter.