Testimonial (D) 7 years old.


I meditate since a few months. I mainly see Light, but do not hear much Sound. Several of my friends do hear the Light and Sound. I do see Light, but I am also analysing the Light. So sometimes I have some amazing stories. 😉

The last three weeks I meditate on three main inner colours: yellow, magenta and orange. Especially orange was an interesting one. Orange gave me the feeling that I can take a closer look to myself. It helped me to reflect. It was also a colour which gave me more power. I discussed it with (E) and my mother.

During the week of orange we also had discussions about truth and purity. What is truth? Is it important? What is purity? I do like
philosophy and have an interest in humans and animals. I also meditate with my mother. Her progress is going more slowly, because she needs to work things out.